About Us

AGOR’s staff consists of professionals with proven experience. Some work in AGOR regularly, others contribute as necessary. This allows us to create a synergistic network of complementary expertise and constant cooperation, thanks to which we can develop specific custom care and prevention pathways.


Dr Bruna Dozzo

Director of AGOR resource centre. Psychologist specialized in neurofunctional rehabilitation in Philadelphia, since ’80s has become the Italian reference of American specialists A. Sandler and S. Brown. Since then, she has developed and enhanced innovative methodologies of rehabilitation to make increasingly effective rehabilitation programmes for disabled children.

Dr Paolo Luger

Osteopath, deepens the global approach for integrated rehabilitation.

Dr Paolo Pigozzi

Medical specialized in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, phytotherapy and Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorder Behavior. Responsible for nutrition programs for AGOR, he uses professionally therapeutic feeding, phytotherapy, oligotherapy, hydrotherapy techniques according to the system Kneipp, biochemical therapy with the tissue salts of Schuessler and homeopathy.

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Collaborano con noi

Sophie Chastel

Infermiera e operatrice professionale AIT a Lione (Francia). Specializzata nel Metodo Auditory Integration Training (AIT) direttamente con il dott. Guy Bérard, fondatore del metodo, viene con regolarità in Italia presso AGOR per applicare l’AIT.

Federica Ferrari

Laureata in Scienze Psicologiche della Personalità e delle Relazioni Interpersonali, specializzanda in Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione Neuropsicologica presso la facoltà di Psicologia a Padova.

Fernando Zamuner

Psicologo e psicoterapeuta laureato in Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Formazione nel 2003 presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova;
Specializzando al C.I.S.S.P.A.T. (Centro Italiano Studio Sviluppo Psicoterapie A Breve Termine)
Esperto in Psicoterapia Dinamica Breve, utilizza anche tecniche di rilassamento, in particolare Training Autogeno e Ipnositerapia, per promuovere e ritrovare benessere ed equilibrio psicofisico intervenendo su stress, ansia, fobie e disturbi psicosomatici.